Rhinoplasty Surgery
The nose is the most dominating feature straddling the contours of the face and it’s shape, size and it’s proportions and harmony vis-a-vis the rest of the facial features is probably the first factor to decide one’s looks. Hence it is no surprise that a large number of people consider rhinoplasty to alleviate their concern about their looks. But, it is also the surgery where we feel, both the patient and the Cosmetic Surgeon should tread with extra caution.

For you or Not for you
– you want your nose or face to look better but cannot identify the change you wish. This includes wanting your nose to look like some other person’s
– you are in an emotionally disturbed state
The Procedure
The Procedure:
We prefer to do it under general anaesthesia. You can go home the same day. The cuts are made inside the nostril except sometimes, a cut might be made on the pillar between the two nostrils called the columella.
What happens next and the Downtime:
There is not much pain. Usually some packing is inserted in the nostrils, which you can pull out after 24 hours. After the surgery your nose will drip for 3-4 days; you can fix a small pad to soak this. There is a stuffy feeling just like a cold and your eyes could water for about 5 days. There can be swelling over the nose, cheeks and the eyes which can persist for 5-7 days. Some patients can have bruising with purple discoloration under the eyes which could take 7-10 days to go. You might have a small splint or paper tapes on the nose which are usually removed after 5 days.
The final result is to be seen after 3 months as some subtle changes keep taking place..

– if an implant has been inserted, there is a small chance of infection or extrusion
– any distortion in the shape.
Either you will be happy with the result or you might not be happy with the result. If you are not happy with the result, it could be because of either of the following reasons:
1. Desired changes not achieved- this is very rare
2. Besides desired changes, other unwanted changes could happen; asymmetry between the two sides, the desired change is overdone, undesired change in the position of the tip or the structure of the bridge, all could be examples of this
3. This is the most common :- desired changes generally achieved, no untoward changes but still unhappy.