Breast Enlargement Surgery

Breast Enlargement Surgery

The commonest procedure we perform and has the highest percentage of patients left feeling satisfied after the procedure. The commonest procedure used to perform breast enlargement is by using silicone implants to increase the volume of the breast.

For you or Not for you

The Procedure

The Procedure:
– A single day procedure done under General Anaesthesia; you can go home the same day
– involves inserting a silicone implant behind the breast through a cut made in the crease under the breast or at the junction of the areola and the breast
What happens next and the Downtime:
The day of the surgery you can expect to be quite comfortable; there is a feeling of tightness and heaviness in the breasts. The next day and a couple of days after that are more uncomfortable after which things slowly improve. It might take you a week to comfortably resume routine activity. The tight feeling might take a couple of weeks to settle down.

Results & Non-results

The implant occupies space behind the breast and makes the breast look larger. More obvious is the thrust and projection of the breast, which improve dramatically. As the skin gets stretched out, if there is a mild sag it improves. Usually there is a significant fulness in the breast above the nipple which improves the cleavage.
Non-results :
Do not expect that your breasts will start looking like those idealized perfect breasts that one sees in pictures and promotional material. What the procedure does is to add to the fulness, to project the breasts and the nipples forward significantly and tighten the breast skin. However breasts come in various shapes, and broadly the contours remain. In case of snoopy breasts, special efforts are made to improve the shape of the breasts.


– improved body image and satisfaction with a boost to self confidence
– The scar is a fine line placed generally under the breast in the crease and is not visible unless looked for; it is more prominent initially and fades over a few months.
– Capsular Contracture is not in anyway harmful although in rare cases it can cause pain or distortion. Also rarely it would imply that repeat surgery might be needed. All implants get surrounded by a smooth thin layer called a Capsule, which is the body’s reaction to the implant. In some women these capsules can become firmer, thicker and can be felt, which is called Capsular Contracture
– Most women will experience some numbness over the lower part of the breast and nipple which improves over time but might not completely recover
– There is a 1-2 % chance that the implants can leak minute amount of silicone jel over a few years. It is not harmful but would need the implants to be changed.

Complications & The Right Way

– are rare and include
– Infection. Will need removal of the implant, but can be reinserted at a later date. Is apparent by 4-5 days.
– Haematoma which is bleeding inside the operated area. Usually settles down on it’s own
– Seroma which is a fluid collection. The wound takes a longer time to heal.
The Right Way:
– The way we do it, our capsular contracture rate in the past 13 years is not more than 5% because of the techniques we use
– We use a special technique to correct constricted breasts.

Breast Enlargement without implants

This is also called Auto-fat Grafting or Fat Transplant. This procedure is not a replacement for breast augmentation but an alternative to be considered in selected cases. The two procedures need to be compared and the benefits of each weighed so as to make an appropriate decision..


involves sucking out fat from certain areas of your body using liposuction techniques and placing this fat in the breasts so as to increase the content and volume of the breast and thus improve the shape.

The + es & The – es

Myths Busted

- No amount of massaging, oils, lotions, hormone injections are going to alter the shape of your breasts
- Breast Enlargement Surgeries do not cause cancer of the breast
- Breast Enlargement does not in anyway affect future breast feeding; although breasts might enlarge during breast feeding causing a loss of tenseness and some sag after breast feeding is stopped..


– Axillary approach. Here, a cut is taken in the armpit to insert the implant. The aim is to avoid a scar on the breast, but believe me, scars are more visible in the armpit than under the breast, and that area usually gives rise to thicker scars. Also, the implants undergo rougher handling; so overall it might not be worth it.
– recent reports have emerged of artificial fillers being injected to increase the breast size. I would proceed with caution as fillers generally excite some reaction from the body causing hard nodular fibrous tissue to be laid down.

Total Woman

Ashok Van, Dahisar East

99 4204 4204

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11:30AM – 1:30PM 6:30PM – 8:30PM

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